{Work Day} Ange Helie, Body Positivity + Nutrition Coach; Founder of AfterGlow
My workday typically starts at: 5AM
And the first thing I do is: plant my feet on the ground and make sure I feel grounded before getting out of bed. I try and focus on ONE thing that I want to accomplish today. Some days, that one thing is just going through the day high vibe; other times it’s an actual task that I’d like to achieve.
And the first app I check is: I try not to check my phone first thing in the morning. But when I coach, I have to open Sugarwod App to see the workout of the day, or Instagram (bad habit!) to read DMs.
And the first hour of my day usually involves: Taking my puppy for a walk, coffee + journaling, a nourishing breakfast with my girl squad + organizing everyone to get out the door for school/daycare.
And my commute looks like: I try to walk to work when I can, but most days I drop my girls off in our beautiful mini van then I head to the gym, back home to work; or to the Studio.
And my workday set up looks like: We recently renovated our house so my office at home is still ‘under construction.’ Luckily, I’ve found Paper Road Studio. I find I can think clearly and accomplish so much there. I bring my laptop, a coffee, snacks + put my head down and get to work.
And I would describe my work environment as: Calm + inspiring. When I walk into the studio, I feel a sense of excitement wash over me. I honestly feel like I can accomplish anything when I’m there. The office setting is welcoming, refreshing, beautiful + quiet. I can’t help but feel inspired to get IT done!
And always in my work bag is: My laptop, charger, ear buds, water bottle, snacks, notebook + pen.
And the mornings typically look like: I usually try to move my body in the mornings. I’m either coaching or joining a class at my gym, doing yoga, or going for a run with my little puppy. Once I’ve accomplished some sort of movement, I eat some fuel, shower + get to work!
And for lunch break it’s: walking the puppy and usually having whatever leftovers are in the fridge! I focus on eating something satisfying that includes some protein.
And when I’m out of the office during the workday it’s for: going to the gym, walking my dog or having coffee with a friend.
..usually with: my husband or girlfriends.
And the afternoon is typically: I usually have one hour left of work before I have to go pick up my two daughters. I finish up my tasks and start to switch gears into motherhood. I then go + enjoy the afternoon with my girls. Sometimes I’ll start working again later in the evening, but other times, I wait until the next morning.
And on a quieter workday it’s: a lot of playing around within my app. I also create new content for IG.
And on a busy one it’s: head down, eyes focused + head hurts while remembering to breathe J
And my workday is not complete without: accomplishing the ONE thing I set out for myself to do in my morning journaling (which varies every day.)
And my workday superpower is: prioritizing self-care so that I can show up for my work grounded, energized + focused.
And finishing a workday looks like: winding down, mentally. I give myself the last 20 minutes to pause or close down any open tabs until I can come back to it the next day.
And the way I relax after the workday is: hmmm, good question! I don’t know if I do relax (hah) as I transition into motherhood - making dinner, doing laundry, cleaning up etc. once all is finished, I’m usually ready for bed. If my husband is home, we’ll chat and wind down over tea or a glass of wine.
And finally, the best thing about any workday is: the sense of purpose, pride + honour I feel being able to pour everything I have into a health movement that is bigger than myself!
A wife, mother + entrepreneur, Ange Helie is the founder of AfterGlow. AfterGlow is a movement aimed at helping women ditch diet culture to focus on nourishment, mindset + body positivity which will in turn, help them [re]ignite their glow.
With a degree in Public Relations, a diploma in Exercise + Wellness, Certified Personal Trainer, Life Coach + Nutrition Coach, Ange is pouring all her experience over the last 15+ years into her App, called AfterGlow, which offers coaching programs, tools + a community for women looking to fuel a strong body + mind. When she’s not working, you can find her with her husband + their two daughters, running a local family restaurant or playing in the mountains. Her daily mantra is: Mind your body, find your glow.